My friend and co-Creative Memories consultant Julie and I held our semi-annual scrapbooking retreat last weekend at the cozy Westridge Country Inn in beautiful Canmore, Alberta last weekend. What a great time! We only had a small group of 14 ladies this time, but that added to the fun and intimate atmosphere.

Our theme was "Express Yourself", and from Friday evening until Sunday at noon, that's exactly what these ladies did! They created 477 scrapbook pages! WOW! I even got 8 layouts done myself! (I'll post some of them as soon as I get a chance to take pics of them.) It was wonderful to see their various styles and approaches and to get ideas from each other. Two ladies spent a good amount of time sorting through YEARS of pics as well, tossing and organizing and getting so much accomplished! Julie and I taught some sessions on digital photo organization and scrapbooking and creating gifts (especially for Father's Day) using scrapbook supplies and techniques. Everyone had a great time and went home refreshed. Here are some pics:

We will definitley be holding another retreat sometime in late October or early November, probably at the Westridge again, so watch my blog for more info.

Only 2 or 3 more weeks until our second baby comes along, and I have to admit that I am ready to meet him! This pregnancy has been fraught with many issues, big and small, and I won't miss being pregnant this time around! I will be sure to post the news and pics as soon as he arrives!

Happy scrapping!



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