This and that...

I THINK I AM IN LABOUR....but no regular contractions or water breakage yet. But a girl can hope, can't she??? Lots of pains and pressure etc., so I am hoping it is soon!

Just taking it easy and re-reading Stacy Julian's Photo Freedom book. I am ready to reorganize my CM Power Sort box to accomodate the Categories that Stacy suggests and I am really looking forward to seeing my photos in a new light...not just in chronological order. I think I may be able to scrapbook and share more MOMENTS instead of EVENTS this way. Not that events aren't inportant, but there is definitely more to scrapbooking than just the birthday/holiday/family get together shots. I want to be able to tell the real-life-everyday stories of my family...what we do, what we like, where we go, who we love and why the things we do matter. I really encourage you to read her book, or at least have a look at Stacy's blog to get an idea of what she is talking about.

As for posting my new layouts and maternity techie hubbie has been working overtime and so hasn't had a chance to get me sorted out at home (it's like the cobbler's children who never have any shoes!) Hopefully he will get me organized in time to post pics of baby (whenever he arrives!)

Happy scrapping,


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