The LOVE Factor

I love the month of February (except for the cold weather) because of it's LOVE factor! When I think of February I think of love - and for more reasons than just Valentines day. Hubby and I had our first date on February 13, 2002. Then we had our wedding reception almost a year later on February 8, 2003 (we actually got married in Jamaica, but that's a whole other story). And our first son Grayson was born on February 3, 2005. So February has a lot of love! And what better to symbolize love than hearts?

Here are a few heart-ful items from here and there:

The February cards on Christmas Cards All Year Round feature Christmas cards with hearts and/or using pink, red and white color schemes. Here are the ones I contributed this month:

These hanging hearts from Inchmark are really cute...maybe over your table or from a ceiling light fixture?

Lots of heart and valentines day coloring pages for your kiddos here.

This is so sweet to use on a card or scrapbook page: CM's new SweetHeart Maker

I think I will be using it to make some sweet little Valentine cards and tags that I will be sure to post in the next day or two. PS...Grayson loves to use my punches, so maybe we'll make the Valentines for his friends too.

Check back for more hearts to come in the next few days...
Happy Scrapping!


  1. Beautiful cards!!!

    I love that heart punch! NEAT!!!!

  2. That heart maker is cute!

    February sure is a special month for you!

    DH and I got engaged on Feb 15th :-)


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