What a Carnival!

The Great Canadian Scrapbook Carnival was great indeed! It was a very busy 2 days, but I met and talked to so many scrappers, got great feedback on our products and met several suppliers and wholesalers who I hope to work with again in the future. I really enjoyed meeting Jackie Ludlage and Katharina Doyle of Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine as well as one of the contributors to the magazine, Leica Forrest. I was also pleased to meet and make contacts with Alison Orthner who does regular scrapbooking segments on Breakfast TV and Jennifer Rowsell, the organizer of Crop4Kids. I am really looking forward to becoming more involved in the Calgary and area scrapbooking scene and these ladies are definitely part of it! My head is swimming with ideas after meeting and talking with other retailers as well. We were definitely the smallest company/booth there, but it was great exposure and hopefully by next year's carnival we will be more established, more polished and more experienced! Here's some pics of our little booth along with my friend Jolene who came to help me out! (Thanks Jolene!)

Noreen and Jolene at GCSCBooth at GCSC

I spoke with several ladies who purchased our mini-album project kits and I promised them I would have the tutorial online by mid-week. I also HAVE to work on getting the products online...thanks for your patience with this...it has been a huge learning curve and more involved than I ever thought. (Maybe I should write an article about how NOT to start a scrapbooking busines!!!) Anyway, I will have both products and the tutorial up on the site within the next few days.

There was also lots of interest in Calgary Crops - both the October Retreat and the November All-Day Crop, so if you haven't already signed up, please do so quickly to secure your spot!

I am off to unpack boxes and get sorted out (I was so tired after Friday and Saturday that I didn't do anything yesterday, so I have LOTS to do today!) Have a great day!


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