Summer Scrap-a-thon - Week 10!

My sincere apologies for not posting a lot lately. My computer is STILL down and we are awaiting a new motherboard from Dell to arrive. But my awesome hubbie temporarily switched out my hard drive and put it into his computer so I could do a little work tonight! Hopefully by the weeks end it will be resolved and I can get back to blogging more regularly again.

Anyway...can you believe we are TEN weeks into summer and we really have only about 4 weeks left? How come summer seems to fly by while winter drags on and one? I say no fair! This week our challenge is to get out those photo binders or boxes and scrap some pictures from at least FIVE YEARS AGO!

Now I love scrapping my latest photos while the memories are still fresh, but what about all those photos from years and events past? Pull some out and get a layout done! And, since I haven't scrapped older photos for quite a while, I am off to take my own challenge and work on a layout to share with you later this week.

Don't forget to post YOUR challenge layout in our flickr gallery...I am so pleased to see some new layouts posted recently! Thanks for sharing!

Speaking of sharing...I do have some exciting news to share. All the 2010/2011 crop and special event days for Calgary Crops have been finalized and are now posted! Go to the Calgary Crops site for more info and if you are in the Calgary area, make sure to mark your calendars and plan on attending. We have LOTS of great things planned for our scrappers and paper-crafters this year!

OK...I solemnly promise to be back in a couple of days to sharea layout using photos from at least 5 years ago. Well...that is IF hubbie takes care of me and my laptop!!!!


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