Summer Scrap-a-thon: Week 12

We are in full fall swing here in Calgary. I started to notice the leaves changing color last week and boy they are REALLY turning now! I guess that means we are officially coming to the end of summer, and also our summer scrap-a-thon. It's hard to believe that next week will be our last challenge! But, I don't want it to end quite yet, so let's have fun with this week's challenge, and not think about next week yet!

This week we have possibly the most challenging challenge of the whole summer - to draw or doodle on your layout!

I know it can be intimidating to draw, but perhaps you can take inspiration from the products you are using in your layout just like DT member Natalie did in this gorgeous layout:

And here are some closeups:

Natalie said " I decided to copy/enlarge the motif in the patterned paper by drawing it on the solid background with a gel pen. This was a real challenge for me, since I don't usually think to draw on my layouts! But now I'm inspired to try it some more :)."

I love the hidden journaling as much as I love the drawn details. Absolutely gorgeous Natalie! Thanks for the inspiration!

SO...why not try drawing or doodling on a layout? And if you do, please don't forget to post it to our flickr gallery so we can all ooh and ahh over it!

Have a great week and enjoy the changing colors in your neck of the woods!


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