Weekend Web Round-Up - July 24

I am still working hard on getting kits together ready to post in the shop, but I did take a few minutes to check out some great sites/links. Hope you will too...

Remember going to Summer Camp as a kid? Why not so to Summer Scrap Camp with Creating Keepsakes? Officially their camp was held from July 13 to 17, but the nice thing about doing it now is you can see all five days of camp activities at once. There are lots of fun ideas, recipes and a weeks worth of projects to keep you busy!

As I was putting together some Christmas kits yesterday I realized that it's never too early to start thinking about the holidays. Then today, Ali Edwards posted about her December Daily album and getting it organized now in preparation. Why not take some time to start thinking about the holidays now? Also, earlier this week Ali featured a great Tuesday Tutorial on creating small blank books which could be used for just about anything.

Finally, if you have some more time, check out the Fiskars July Projects which feature a different craft or scrapbooking project each day. I especially love this cool layout using border punches and this photo jar which is such a unique way to preserve and display summer/vacation photos.

Have a great weekend!


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