Foolish Games

Papers, Alphas and Embellishments - Just Fun Digital Kit (retired)
Ribbon Embellishments - Holidazzle Digital Kit
Font - Segoe Print
Software - Storybook Creator 4.0 by Creative Memories

Whoah...I seem to have lost a lot of time, energy and mojo lately! But I have another layout over at the Scrap It With a Song blog and to share with you here!

We are finishing up with the April Fools theme with the song, "Foolish Games" by Jewel. I took inspiration from the title of the song, although my happy layout certainly doesn't reflect the theme of relationship angst in the song!

Here's the back story:  my youngest son Sam has Autism Spectrum Disorder and one of the things he (and many kiddos with Autism) has trouble with is engaging with others in imaginative and pretend play. As part of his therapy we had a play therapist come to our home every weekday for about seven months. Her job was to play! Some days were better than others, but Sam definitely made gains in his play skills (yes, believe it or not, play does involve skills!) and we have seen an improvement in his desire to engage with others (as opposed to playing alone).

I had snapped a few photos of Amy and Sam playing, knowing that I would want to document this phase of his therapy. The title of our inspiration song - "Foolish Games" - made me think of some of the silly games we played. I found these photos with bright happy colors and created this digital layout...

Make sure you hop over to SIWAS to see all the other takes on the song by the other awesome Design Team members! (And don't forget to upload your creations inspired by any of this month's songs.)


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