Memory Keeping Goals for 2016

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year!

I don't know about you, but New Year's Day is always a day where the urge to organize sets in. I spent most of January 1st putting away Christmas decorations, sorting and purging my sons' closets and tidying up my scrap space. It was so satisfying!

I'm not one to set a lot of resolutions at New Years, but as I was working in my scrap space I was thinking about my memory-keeping goals for the year ahead - what I want to accomplish personally and what I want to share on the blog and with my customers. I know that organizing is a huge part of feeling like you are staying on track with scrapbooking, so over the next little while I'll be posting my best organizational tips so you can get set for success in the year ahead. But today I want to simply list my goals - maybe they'll help you clarify what your memory keeping goals for 2016 are.

1) Complete a Year in Review Family Album. 

I love doing these albums as they provide a snapshot of our year at a glance. I hit the highlights of each month using just a page or two, and maybe add a few more layouts to showcase a special event, trip or holiday. Over time our yearly albums have been done as digital books, pocket albums and traditional albums and this year I plan on multiple styles in one album. How? Good question! I'll share my fleshed-out plan in a few days time, but here's a sneak peek at the products I'll be using:

The brand new "A Year to Remember" product suite from Creative Memories is a gorgeous set of papers, calendar pages, word stickers and embellishments that will make it so easy to complete a coordinated yearly album! My basic plan is to use the calendars to record our events and activities each month, then slip them into the album along with a coordinating scrapbook layout made with the papers. Finally, I'll place a 12 x 12 Multi-Pocket Page in between the calendar and the layout to hold lots of extra monthly photos. These new products will be available Monday January 4th, and as soon as I get my hands on them I'll set up my album and do a post to show you what I envision!

2) 120 traditional layouts. 

Yikes..that sounds like such a big number, but that's how many layouts I'll have done by the end of the year if I do just 10 per month. Now, 10 layouts per month IS manageable for me. I'll be hosting all-day crops most months and two weekend retreats, so I know I'll be able to achieve that many pages, maybe even more! In the end its not really about how many pages I finish, but the fact that I am doing SOMETHING with my family photos that is important to me. How many pages (or albums) would you like to complete this year? And how can you break that number down into manageable chunks?

3) A 1-2-3 Sketch of the Month Layout to share with you each month. 

Now I know I've stated this as a goal in previous years and have not always followed through for the entire year, but I am positive that this year I will! You see, as one of the content contributors for Creative Memories it is one of my assignments to come up with the sketch for our monthly virtual I HAVE to get them done! I look forward to creating and sharing these with you all year long! (Head's up...our first virtual crop will be held on Saturday January 16th, so mark your calendar and check back here for more details soon!)

So there is it. Just 3 goals. I can do this!

You can too. Feel free to post YOUR memory keeping goals below...I'd love to hear them, as well as any suggestions and tips you can share!

Check back in a couple of days for my thoughts on planning your albums and pages, as well as some printable freebies for you as well!


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