Summer Scrapbook Series 2017 - Week 1!

Happy Summer!

I know many of you have been in summer mode for a while now, but here in Calgary, summer truly begins when the kids get out of school at the end of June. As a teacher, I just finished up my school year yesterday, so today really IS the beginning of summer for me. I am excited to have two months of sun, fun and scrapbooking ahead of me and, I'm excited to share it with you! So today I'm launching 9 full weeks of scrapbooking inspiration with my Summer Scrapbook Series!

Each Saturday in July and August I'll be sharing a little something to get you scrapping - a challenge, prompt, tip or technique that I think you might like. And I'm so hoping you get involved and post your summer scrapbook projects on the OCM Facebook page, because there will be PRIZES too! Woohoo! I love sending out happy mail and I'm planning lots of fun giveaways over the next nine weeks! Bottom line...make sure to subscribe to the blog (you can enter your email in the box on the sidebar) and/or 'like' the facebook page so you get all the details each week and can scrap along!

It's appropriate to kick off this first week with a nod to Canada's Sesquicentennial - yes, Canada is 150 years old today! Happy Canada Day! In honor of this, the challenge this week is...


Not only is this the quintessential Canadian color combo...

...but the high contrast lends itself well to lots of non-Canadian themes and is easy and fun to work with. These two colors also feature prominently on the colors on the flags of many countries - just have a look!
Photo from Fotolip
So if you are inclined to create a patriotic project honoring your own country, feel free to add any other colors as needed!

Here are a few projects I've completed using Red & White that show a little Canadian spirit:

Canada 150 Card featured on Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Blog

Proud Canadian 1-2-3 Layout from January 2015
Canada Card featured in July 2016's 1-2-3 Video

Looking for some Red & White (or Canadian themed) products to use? CM has a great selection to choose from and you can purchase them from my CM website anytime!
Mix & Match Cranberry Paper Pack

Mix & Match Cranberry Embellishments

Red Solid Cardstock

Maple Leaf Punch (punched shape shown)

Celebrate Canada Limited Edition Paper Pack

Celebrate Canada Limited Edition Album Cover

This weeks prize will be a pack of Red and White goodies - a variety of embellishments, papers and punched shapes! Make sure to share your project on the OCM Facebook page with the hashtag #OCMRedWhite. You have until Friday July 7th to share your projects to be eligible for the prize! Can't wait to see them!

Happy Scrapping!


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