SYSS Week 6 - Let's Strip!

Welcome to Week 5 of our Scrap-Your-Stash Summer Saturdays! Thanks to all who played along last week and uploaded layouts that added some sun-shiney layouts to the album on the facebook page! If you're just joining us, this is how it works: Each Saturday until September 8th I'll provide you with the theme of the week and a checklist of supplies. You'll "shop" your supply stash and choose the items and photos that you want to use.

The checklist will be specific to the TYPE of items you'll need, but you'll have total flexibility as to the ACTUAL item you choose to use. For example, the checklist might say "floral paper, cardstock, flower embellishments", but you can choose the color & style of the floral paper, the color of cardstock to coordinate with it and whether you want to use die-cuts, stickers, or punched flower embellishments.

Substitutions are encouraged: if you don't have or don't like a suggested item in your stash, switch it up for something you do have/like. For example if you absolutely hate floral papers, sub in a striped or other patterned paper, cardstock to coordinate and some geometric embellishments. It's totally up to you! All that's left to do once you've chosen your items is to create and share!
(Note: feel free to use ANY brand of supplies - you do not need to use Creative Memories...although that's probably what you'll see in my layouts ha ha!)
Ready for week 6? We're going to STRIP! (no, no...not THAT kind of stripping!)

How many times do you end up with lots of 1" or 2" strips after trimming up your papers for layouts and other projects? If you're like me you might throw them into some kind of container thinking you could use them again! Well, now's the time! I LOVE the look of a variety of paper strips grouped's so unique and handmade! Take a look at the layouts I've gathered on this weeks Pinterest board to get some inspiration!

You can use short or long strips, thick or thin, coordinating or contrasting. You can place them vertically or horizontally or both. You can weave them or make them into shapes. You can snip the ends into banners. You can do anything you like with these little strips of fun!

Here's the Supply List for this week:

- 12" x 12" paper for the layout base - patterned or solid

- LOTS of strips of patterned paper in contrasting or coordinating colors. (If you truly have no strips in your scrap bin, then feel free to cut or tear strips from larger pieces of patterned paper!)
- Letter stickers or die-cuts for the title
- Embellishments that work for your theme - stickers, die-cuts etc.
- Any other supplies you want to add once your layout starts to take shape

I raided just ONE drawer of my scraps (the neutral drawer!) and here are some of the supplies I plan on using this week:

Once you've had a look at the pinterest board and picked your supplies, create your layout, take a photo of it and upload it to the OCM Facebook Page in the Week 6 Album (follow the link or choose "Photos" from the left hand sidebar on the main page, click on the Week 6 image, and then click on "Add Photos"...or simply add a comment with a photo.)

You can post it anytime, but those that are posted in the album by next Friday night will have a chance at our next prize!

Happy scrapping!


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