New look

We are all still sick around here, so I spent a good portion of the day on the couch with my computer (or my kids!) on my lap. I have been thinking about doing a blog update, both in look and purpose, and today seemed like a golden opportunity to get started on it.

You may have visited my website - - which I started earlier this year to provide a place to share tips and techniques about scrapbooking. As great as it has been, the platform that hosts it is a bit cumbersome and it takes me way longer to add pages to it than it does to update my blog. So I have been investigating some blog templates that will allow me to do what I envision for this blog - sketches, challenges, product sales, articles, tutorials and lots of tips and techniques. Hopefully this will work as planned...if not, you'll see another change in look and style down the road!

I feel like I have been involved in creating all day today. I love working on the computer to design and build and learn. So, day 2 of the Creativity Project actually was very productive!

More to come...

Happy Scrapping!


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