Where's Noreen?

Wow...I have been MIA for 2 weeks. Inexcusable. That's just bad form in the blog-o-sphere. My apologies.

All I can offer as an explanatnion is that I have been thinking about what purpose this blog vs. my website has and where I want to go with each of those entities. A couple of weeks ago I spent a lot of time changing my blog. And although I liked the end result, it really is a duplication of the website in a lot of ways. SO I took a step back and have been thinking about the Sharing Memories "brand" and what I want it to be. I want Sharing Memories to be an educational site where people can come for ideas and information, as well as a portal to the other aspects of my business...selling products and services. But I want my blog to be a personal place...a place where I get to share my funny stories about my boys or post the odd layout or photo or craft that I complete. I don't want or need to have the same tone, content or information as the website has.

So, please excuse me for a few days more as I re-do (or perhaps UN-DO?) the blog design to better reflect me personally.

In the meantime, I am heading over to the website right now to post two long overdue page plans. And check out my post on a new WAHMsPage blog, featuring 100 WAHM bloggers.

Happy Scrapping!

PS...I can't wait to share more about my LOM class, the status of my Project 365 and some other layouts I have been working on! Soon, I promise!


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