Design Team Search!

Sharing Memories Scrapbooking is looking for fresh talent to help share our passion for scrapbooking, card making and all things related to memory keeping!

Sharing Memories Scrapbooking is a small, independent scrapbooking company located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Our purpose is to provide inspiration and education to scrapbookers and paper crafters of all levels through our website and local live events. We feature how-to articles and tutorials, page plans, and lots of ideas. We also produce a small line of products including page and project kits and handmade embellishments.

In the past six months we have been growing and reaching more and more crafters. In order to keep offering fresh ideas and new inspiration, we are now looking for our first design team. We are looking for scrapbookers who represent a variety of styles, card makers, altered projects artists, sketch artists and those interested in writing articles and tutorials. Here are the details:

Design team members do not need to be exclusive - you may certainly be a member of another design team.

Design team members would be asked to commit to a six-month term with an option to extend the term if it is mutually agreeable. Design team members would start their first term on February 1, 2010.

Each design team member would be responsible for one assignment per month and would have approximately one month's notice to complete it. Additional special projects may be assigned if mutually agreeable.

At times design team members will be provided with Sharing Memories Scrapbooking products to use in their designs.

Design team members personal blogs will be linked to and showcased on Sharing Memories Scrapbooking website. We would ask that the Sharing Memories Scrapbooking website would be posted on Design Teams personal blogs in return.

Due to product shipping costs, we are sorry to have to limit our search to applicants from Canada and the United States only. Hopefully this will change in future.

If you are interested in applying, please send the following information to

  1. A brief bio of yourself, including contact information such as email address, phone number and regular mailing address.

  2. Please indicate what type of design team responsibilities you would be interested in applying for (choose all that apply): Scrapbook Pages (traditional, digital and hybrid), Card Designs, Page Plan Sketch Artist, Altered Projects, Writer (articles, tutorials, reviews)

  3. Please send two examples of your work in any of the above areas as JPG images or PDF documents. Links to online galleries and blogs/websites are also helpful in us getting to know your work.

Our Design Team search will run from January 1st 2010 until January 29th 2010, so you have three weeks to get your application together! Successful applicants will be notified by January 31st and will be introduced on the website at the beginning of February.

We encourage everyone who is interested to apply! You do not need to have been published or have been on any other Design Teams - we just want to see your fresh and inspirational ideas! Get your application in today! We look forward to seeing what YOU have got to share! Good luck!

If you have any questions about the application process or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us at!


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  5. [...] consider applying and sharing YOUR talent – you have until January 29th to do so! Click here to see all the application [...]

  6. [...] just wanted to post a quick reminder that today is the LAST DAY to submit your application for our first ever design team! Thanks to all of you who have already applied – I am blown away by the talent and creativity [...]

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