Getting my mojo back

Apologies for the lack of posts recently...I'll blame it on family illnesses, getting ready for a large all-day crop and traveling. But more importantly I should blame my lack of's amazing how fast you can get out of the habit of doing something and how hard it can be to get back into it!

We travelled to visit family this past Thanksgiving weekend and during the trip I had the chance to do some digital scrapbooking using my Storybook Creator 4.0 Software. I used the amazingly simple Click and Fill Templates to finish off several pages - I couldn't believe how fast they were and what great results I got. The Click and Fill pages are like blank sketches...the page design is done for you, and you just click on each element and fill it with any digital paper, color or texture that you have in your collection! So easy!

This layout looks like pockets with photos tucked into them. I chose this template from the Click and Fill IV collection, then used papers and embellishments from the digital Primary Power Palette to complement the photos of Sam's recent field trip to an art studio.

As much as I LOVE traditional paper scrapbooking, I like being able to go digi when time and circumstances don't allow me to cut and paste. I didn't have to pack up lots of paper or tools and I still was productive and preserved several more memories while on the go.

I'll share more digi pages in the next few days and try to get back into the habit of creating and posting. Thanks for visiting my blog even when there isn't much going on - I sure appreciate it!


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