Nancy O'Dell Promotes her CM Products!

If you watch any daytime TV shows such as Anderson Cooper, Rachael Ray or Better TV,  you may have seen Nancy O'Dell talking up her new CM products on their shows last week! With a gal like Nancy spreading the CM good news, my work in helping people preserve their memories is so much easier! Ha!

If you missed the shows, have a look here:

Here Nancy makes an album with Anderson Cooper and teaches him about double sided tape! It showcase the amazing Fast to Fabulous Joy album that has pre-printed pages already loaded in the album and can be completed in about an hour!

Product Image
Here Nancy talks about how saving memories is much hipper these days, her  new "Here's to Fabulous You" book, and gives Rachael Ray a cute custom scrapbook of her pup, Isaboo!

And here she talks about the types of things she puts in her own "Here's to Fabulous You" book to remind her of what is important and how fabulous her life is, even when she has to wear her curlers to take her 5 year old daughter to school! One of the things I like about Nancy is that she is pretty "real"!

The book itself is like a personal, visual journal.
When I was a Fine Arts Consultant for the school board, I remember giving inservices on visual journaling. The idea behind it is to capture aspects of your life (or any other given topic) in words, photos, drawings, clippings etc. I have seen visual journals used with kids aged grade 1 and up as a place to collect research or simply to record their experiences. My own visual journals are pretty personal - they document the highs and lows in my life in pictures and words. I think that scrapbooking is a natural off shoot of visual journaling and vice-versa, and I'm thrilled that a celebrity like Nancy O'Dell has created  an easy to use versions and is promoting it so widely. The more people who hear the message about the importance of preserving our memories, the better!
I have been slowly adding to my own "Here's to Fabulous You" book since I received it in September. It's really easy to jot a note down here or there, or add a photo to one of the cute pages, plus there are two pages of stickers to embellish the pages with! I like the way it is organized into four sections - Relationships, Aspirations, Feeling Good and House to Home - an area for all the important aspects in your life. You can see all the pages inside the book by clicking here.

You can purchase your own copy of "Here's to Fabulous You" on my secure CM website!
What will you put in yours?


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