March Sketch of the Month

I'm a little bit late getting this month's sketch posted, but I'm a little bit late with everything this month it seems!

I have heard from quite a few ladies in my customer base that have enjoyed using these sketches, but I haven't had any link-ups yet.  I probably need more followers to get some responses, but I'm not going to worry too much about it. For now, I'll just keep posting sketches and tips and enjoy hearing back from those of you who use them! (Psst...that's a hint that I would love a few comments!)

This month I worked a little differently. My scrap space is going through a major overhaul...I am moving furniture and bringing in additional storage and possibly painting, so most of my traditional scrapbook supplies are currently packed up. I usually create the SOTM digitally using Storybook Creator 4.0, but this month I created the sample digitally as well.

The sketch is a two page spread with space for six(!) 4 x 6 photos, title, embellishments and journaling. Once again you can create it using my quick 1-2-3 method...1 piece of double sided patterned paper, 2 pieces of cardstock for the base and only 3 cuts (or in this case, 2 punches and one cut!)

I didn't provide a cutting diagram this month because when you cut or trim border pieces, you will have a different amount of wastage depending on the type of border maker you use, so here are some quick general directions instead:

1) Take your 12 x 12 piece of patterned paper and punch or cut a 12" decorative border. Trim the border down to about 1" wide. Repeat to create second border.

2) Cut your remaining piece of patterned paper (which will be approximately 10 x 12") in half to make two strips measuring  about 5x 12" each.

3) You now have two borders and two strips. Decide which side of the double-sided paper you will place up for the strips (dominant) and then turn your borders over to reveal the other pattern (accent).

4) Place one border and strip vertically along the left edge of the first piece of cardstock, and the second border and strip horizontally along the bottom edge of the second piece of cardstock as shown in the sketch.

5) Add photos, a title and maybe a few cute embellishments to finish it off.

You get so much mileage from just one piece of double sided paper using this 1-2-3 method.

For the sample layout above I used a free digital kit from Creative Memories that I would love to pass on to you. CM has created four "Customer Appreciation" seasonal paper and embellishment kits for use with the Storybook Creator 4.0. I used the Spring kit here, but all four sets are equally cute! And when you purchase the Storybook Creator 4.0 DVD or download the digital copy , I will send you these digital freebies to help you get started with your digital scrapbooking!

Speaking of digital freebies....don't forget to check out the CM digital blog every Friday to snag some freebies. Today's freebies are super cute and feature artwork that matches the new Candy Shop Power Palette! Check out all the digital freebies here and have fun adding to your digital collection!


I plan on getting my scrap space finished this weekend..what scrappy projects do you have going on? Whatever you have planned...enjoy!


  1. I love your Sketch of the Month. It is nice to have new ideas.

  2. This sketch saved my bacon when I was stuck - thanks! Here's the final result (My Mind's Eye, not CM, sorry!):


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