December Daily Update

I'm back from our wonderful Christmas getaway. We had a great time - lots of festive food, beverages, outdoor fun and indoor relax time. I DID find time to update my December Daily pages - and I have to say I loved scrapbooking at the little kitchen table, looking out at the woods and snow.

Truthfully, I hadn't done much in the actual album since I showed you my initial set-up in this post. But knowing I'd have some downtime while we were away, I printed out the daily photos and packed up my album kit and brought it with me. I got up early on Boxing Day morning before the rest of the family to work on them. (Funny enough, the one thing I forgot to pack was my photo trimmer, so I hand trimmed a few photos down to the 4x4 size with the kitchen brought back many a memory of my early scrapbooking days before I had all the trimmers and tools!)

The album came together easily as all I had to do was adhere the photos, do a little journaling (I used a simple 4 line stamp I've had in my stash forever to add the journaling lines - sorry, I have no idea of the manufacturer) and add the date circle and any embellishments. It took me about an hour to finish the pages for the 22 days I had brought photos for. Here they are...

I'm liking the overall look of the album...its cohesive, but not too matchy-matchy or precise, which is sometimes a downfall of mine with my perfectionist tendencies. Once I committed to the plan and the pre-made page layouts, I tried to let go of the other little details and not worry about which paper ended up with which photos. Luckily, everything has blended together nicely! As you see, some days ended up being a two page spread, and some are only single pages. Some days I had so many photos that I had to narrow it down and choose which ones to use, whereas on other days there was only one, lone picture to use plus the one I took every day of the Santa countdown. (And a couple of pages still need photos - I obviously missed them when I was selected photos to send to the printer.) I didn't worry about the little details and just enjoyed seeing all the moments - holiday and everyday - captured together in one place.

I'm working on finishing our yearly family album as well so I'll be sorting and sending a big batch of photos in tomorrow and then finish up the December 23-31 pages in a few days.

Until then, I hope you have a safe and Happy New Year!


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