Hello 2017!

Hello friend and welcome to 2017! I am so glad you are joining me here on my blog. I know that there are tons of sites out there for you to choose from and I am truly grateful that you choose to spend some time here!

Although I don't make New Year's resolutions per se, I do like to take some time to reflect on what has happened during the previous year and make plans for the future. For 2017, my personal plans include carving out more family time and "me" time by streamlining the activities and events we are involved in. I plan to use this extra little bit of precious time to narrow my focus and follow my passions more fully and deeply than I ever have before.

During the last couple of weeks, I've had time to analyze my blog and business(es) and try to pinpoint the things that went well in 2016 and the things that didn't. There were definite and apparent successes (such as my 1-2-3 Layouts!) and some rather disappointing flops (like organizational posts on packing and cupboard organization!) These facts, along with your comments, emails and requests, have helped me determine the projects I should put my time and energy into in 2017:
  • 1-2-3 layouts and cardmaking/papercrafting posts and videos. Thanks for all your comments on these and inspiring me to create more.
  • Blog Hops focused on holidays and special events and themes.
  • How-to and Tutorial style posts and videos based on your requests.
  • Great giveaways and contests!
  • Tips and tricks on digital scrapbooking and photo organization.
  • Posts that highlight Creative Memories and Forever  (the two companies I am passionate about!)
And what will I be focusing less on?
  • General home organizing topics. I'll still offer suggestions when I have something worthwhile to share, but it will not be as much of a focus as the memory keeping aspect of my blog, and there are so many fantastic bloggers who are truly passionate about organizing that I will leave the bulk of it to them!
  • Thirty-One Gifts. I really do think Thirty-One products are awesome and I will continue to use and love them, but won't be devoting a lot of time to promoting and selling them, especially here on the blog or in my videos.
Based on the things you like and want more of, I am committed to providing you with a minimum of four videos and posts each month:
  • a new 1-2-3 CARD (with video and giveaway!)
  • a how-to, organization or other papercrafting project I'm working on!
  • a Tool-Talk or Digital Scrapbooking video!
  • a new 1-2-3 Layout video with Free handout!

I hope that you will continue to join me all year long for more scrappy inspiration! Make sure to subscribe to the blog to receive emails when a new post goes up (see link in sidebar), subscribe to my YouTube channel to see new videos, and join my Facebook Group to get info on flash sales, new products and other opportunities on a more regular basis! Thanks again for your virtual friendship, and here's to 2017!

Happy Scrapping!


  1. I love, love, love your 1-2-3 layouts. Thinking of doing my 2015 album with these to help get me caught up....bring on more!!

    1. Thanks Martha...hopefully that would make for some quick layouts! Would love to see how it turns out!

  2. I love your blog and am so excited to see all the things you will have for us this year!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I so appreciate you spending time here!


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