Fall Projects featuring Gather Together

Happy Fall! Since finishing up our Scrap-Your-Stash Summer Saturdays a couple of weeks ago I've been throwing myself into creating for fall using the beautiful new Gather Together collection from Creative Memories! I've shared three different projects over this past week, but you may have missed them since they were featured elsewhere. Here's a bit of a recap with links to the projects...

1) This past Friday night, the team at Creative Life Scrapbooking and I held a virtual PJ Party Crop! We had so much fun hosting six hours of virtual scrapping with a different Gather Together project featured each hour! I shared some cute Treat Boxes (shown above) made from Bronze Shimmer Cardstock, some Gather Together paper scraps and the beautiful Gather Together Layered Embellishments with rose gold trim...divine!

I posted the project on the CLS Facebook page as a slideshow video, but had many requests for a handout that showed the pictures and instructions. I'm always happy to oblige, and you can now download the free handout here. Have fun making these cute boxes!

2) Last weekend I had the chance to travel to Portland, Oregon to attend and speak at a conference for Creative Memories Advisors. I spoke about the idea that you can take a simple sketch and create a variety of layouts based on it, ranging from Effortless to Enhanced to Elaborate depending on the amount of time you have and how much product you want to use.

I was happy to test these creative approaches out while creating three layouts for the Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Blog using Gather Together. Here is the most Elaborate layout I made...full of gorgeous colors, textures and details!

Make sure to head over to the CSM Blog see all three of the finished layouts, and then download the free handout (the same one I shared during the CM Advisors conference) featuring the sketch and details of how to adapt it to create Effortless, Enhanced and Elaborate layouts...you'll find it in the OCM Shop.

3) I also introduced the 31 Thankful Days Project on my own OCM Facebook Page and Instagram feed last week. This project will explore thankfulness, gratitude and blessings with daily prompts to help us create a mini Gratitude Album with the Gather Together collection. The project will kick off on October 1st and run each day during October. Head over to join the event on my Facebook Page now to get additional details and the supplies list so you can be ready come October 1st!

So much fall goodness! If you missed any of it, you'll want to make sure that you are following along with me at ALL the places I share ideas and inspiration:

Here on the OCM blog - have you subscribed by email yet? That way you'll never miss a post! Enter your email in the box on the right hand sidebar (it's completely private and I will never divulge your email address to anyone else!).

My OCM Facebook page. Have you liked or followed that page? I hop on there regularly to do box-openings, mini-projects and Facebook Live videos!

My Instagram feed. I post images of recent projects and some other things, just for fun! Note that I recently changed the name of my feed from @noreenhsmith to @organizedandcreativemom so you might need to update it!

You can also follow me on Pinterest, and many of you already subscribe to my YouTube Channel (although I apologize for lack of new content there!)

*** And did you know that you can get to all of the above using the little icon links on the pink bar at the very top of my website? Easy access!

Creative Life Scrapbooking Facebook Page. Check out regular Border Maker Monday and Feature Project Friday posts from me and other talented ladies featuring Creative Memories products, as well as seasonal Blog Hops and Virtual PJ Party Crops!

Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Blog. I am a regular guest blogger with projects typically posted on the third Thursday of each month. Make sure to subscribe to their blog to get lots of project ideas and chances to win amazing prizes!

And although I don't "post" ideas on my Creative Memories website, it is perhaps the most important link so you can get your hands on all the fabulous Creative Memories products! You can securely shop 24/7 there anytime (for Canadian shoppers only unfortunately!)

I hope you enjoy checking out all the scrap-crafty goodness at these links! Have a great Sunday...

Happy Scrapping!


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