SYSSS Week 11 - Back to School 1-2-3!

Welcome to Week 11 of our Scrap-Your-Stash Summer Saturdays! Thanks to all who "got on the grid" last week and added your layout photos to the album on the facebook page! If you're just joining us, this is how it works: Each Saturday until September 8th (only one week left!) I'll provide you with the theme of the week and a checklist of supplies. You'll "shop" your supply stash and choose the items and photos that you want to use.

The checklist will be specific to the TYPE of items you'll need, but you'll have total flexibility as to the ACTUAL item you choose to use. For example, the checklist might say "floral paper, cardstock, flower embellishments", but you can choose the color & style of the floral paper, the color of cardstock to coordinate with it and whether you want to use die-cuts, stickers, or punched flower embellishments.

Substitutions are encouraged: if you don't have or don't like a suggested item in your stash, switch it up for something you do have/like. For example if you absolutely hate floral papers, sub in a striped or other patterned paper, cardstock to coordinate and some geometric embellishments. It's totally up to you! All that's left to do once you've chosen your items is to create and share!
(Note: feel free to use ANY brand of supplies - you do not need to use Creative Memories...although that's probably what you'll see in my layouts ha ha!)

I know that in many parts of the US, kids have been in school for several weeks, but where I live, kids will be heading back-to-school this coming Tuesday September 4th after the Labour Day long weekend. Since I have back-to-school on my mind I thought it would be a great theme this week, but it is totally wide open...if you have no need to make a school days layout, feel free to work on any other theme! I did create a new 1-2-3 sketch and layout for you to use with whichever theme you're going with! YAY for sketches!
If you're not familiar with my 1-2-3 Layouts, they use just one piece of double sided patterned paper, two pieces of 12 x 12 cardstock (or album pages) as the base of your layout, and the whole thing is made with just three cuts! But this month's 1-2-3 is even easier as we'll only actually make TWO cuts! 1-2-3 layouts are awesome for stash busting as you can use up whatever double sided patterned papers you have on hand AND get several two page layouts done in a short time!

Here is the sketch...

...and here's the sample layout! So fun for back to school!

I used Creative Memories Essentials paper and stickers (and although these are recent products, I figure that since I've had them for a month and still haven't used them, they can safely be considered part of my "stash"! Ha ha!)
In addition to the embellishment placements shown on the sketch, I added the school bus border stickers above and below the 4" x 6" pieces on my actual layout. I created the title with some old CM white curly letter stickers from my stash. I'll finish it up with photos that I'll take of my boys next Tuesday as they head off to school! Again...if you're not working on back-to-school theme, feel free to choose any type of papers and stickers to use with this layout!
Here's our Supply List for this week:

- Two pieces of 12" x 12"
cardstock (or album page) for the layout base
- One 12' x 12" piece double-sided patterned paper (double sided is the key!)
- Variety of embellishments, punched shapes, letter stickers, die-cuts etc.
- Any other supplies you want to add to your project as you are creating it!
- September 1-2-3 Sketch and Layout Guide (download it for free in the OCM Shop!)

Once you've grabbed your sketch and layout printable and chosen your supplies, go ahead and follow the cutting guide on the printable and create your layout! Make sure to take a photo of it and upload it to the OCM Facebook Page in the Week 11 Album (follow the link or choose "Photos" from the left hand sidebar on the main page, click on the Week 11 image, and then click on "Add Photos"...or simply add a comment with a photo).

Happy scrapping! (and happy back-to-school!)


  1. Noreen, I love the simplicity of your layout ideas, AND the fact that you incorporate multiple pictures and JOURNALING on each and every page! As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, but without the words behind it, the picture might as well have been lost! My children are long past school age, and my grandchildren are only toddlers, but I purchased the Essentials products to stash them until the twins start school in a few years! The colors and designs are so classic that I didn’t want to miss them!
    Thanks for the new 1-2-3 Layout also! I appreciate what you do for us.


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