SYSSS - Week 12 - Summer Highlights Sketch and Layout!

Welcome to Week 12 - the FINAL week! - of our Scrap-Your-Stash Summer Saturdays! Thanks to all who tried out the Back to School 1-2-3 layout based on my sketch last week and added your layout photos to the album on the facebook page!
If you're just joining us, this is how it works: Each Saturday until September 8th (yes, today is our last day, but you can go back and see all the SYSSS posts by clicking here) I'll provide you with the theme of the week and a checklist of supplies. You'll "shop" your supply stash and choose the items and photos that you want to use.

The checklist will be specific to the TYPE of items you'll need, but you'll have total flexibility as to the ACTUAL item you choose to use. For example, the checklist might say "floral paper, cardstock, flower embellishments", but you can choose the color & style of the floral paper, the color of cardstock to coordinate with it and whether you want to use die-cuts, stickers, or punched flower embellishments.

Substitutions are encouraged: if you don't have or don't like a suggested item in your stash, switch it up for something you do have/like. For example if you absolutely hate floral papers, sub in a striped or other patterned paper, cardstock to coordinate and some geometric embellishments. It's totally up to you! All that's left to do once you've chosen your items is to create and share!
(Note: feel free to use ANY brand of supplies - you do not need to use Creative Memories...although that's probably what you'll see in my layouts ha ha!)
It's hard to believe that we've come to end of summer AND the end of our twelve weeks of inspiration! I hope you had a fun time with all the challenges. Did you put a little bit of a dent in your scrapbook supply stash? Did you create a few more projects than you would have otherwise? If so, great! If not, no can still go back and use these ideas whenever you have time!
We started off the SYSSS series way back in June with our Bucket List Layout, where we shared some of the items we wanted to accomplish or experience. Were you able to cross any of the items off of your summer bucket list? This week as we wrap up, I am hoping you will create and share a layout showcasing your top summer highlights. We are already back into our regular routine with school, clubs and sports, and the carefree days of summer seem just a distance memory, so this will be a great reminder of all the summer fun we had! So I have one final SYSSS sketch for you this week...a super-easy single page layout requiring only a cut and a fold!
This layout couldn't be simpler to make...

1) Gather your supplies...I chose three photos that showed some of the highlights from our summer, a single sheet of double sided pattered paper and a few embellishments from CM's Imagine collection along with White ABC/123 Stickers - which all coordinated beautifully with the bright reds in my photos.
2) Trim a 2" x 12" strip off one edge of a 12" x 12" double-sided patterned paper. Set strip aside.
3) Turn the remaining 10" x 12" piece sideways and fold the top edge over about 2".
4) Adhere the folded strip down and adhere entire piece in centre of layout base (12" x 12" cardstock or album page)

5) Add the reserved 2" x 12" strip across the folded piece... 

6) Add your photos (I matted mine on white cardstock so they would stand out a bit from the patterned background), a title, a few embellishments and your journaling as shown. easy! Ready to create your summer highlights layout?
Here's our Supply List for this week:

- One piece of 12" x 12"
cardstock (or album page) for the layout base
- One 12' x 12" piece double-sided patterned paper (double sided is the key!)
- Variety of embellishments, punched shapes, letter stickers, die-cuts etc.
- Any other supplies you want to add to your project as you are creating it!
- Above sketch (Hint: right click on sketch image above and either "Save as" or "Print")

Once you've created your layout, make sure to take a photo of it and upload it to the OCM Facebook Page in the Week 12 Album (follow the link or choose "Photos" from the left hand sidebar on the main page, click on the Week 12 image, and then click on "Add Photos"...or simply add a comment with a photo).

And now I have a favour to ask...I'd love to get your feedback on the SYSSS series. Please take this quick 9 question survey by clicking here. It will only take a few minutes and your feedback will help me develop challenges/series/courses that address what YOU would like to see here on OCM. Thanks in advance! I have enjoyed spending time with you this summer!

Happy scrapping!


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