Name That Course Contest!

Late last month I reached 2000 "likes" on the OCM Facebook page. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

I had been thinking of what to do to celebrate this, and since I'm in the midst of planning the 2020 version of my signature online course "Scrap-Your-Stash" (which had over 300 students this year!), I decided to create a giveaway contest based on your suggestions for a fresh new name for it! Here is your chance to suggest what you think the course should be called, and also have a chance to win your registration in it!

Here's all the details:
  • Like the 2019 course, the Scrap-Your-Stash course for 2020 will provide you with ideas and inspiration to use the products you already have in your stash to get your photos onto pages and pages into albums. In 2020 the course will feature monthly sketch bundles (4-6 sketches), stash-buster challenges, prizes (!), bonus technique tips, and ongoing interaction with me and the other students in our private FB group. 
  • Keeping the above course description in mind, to enter the contest simply come up with a catchy name that exemplifies what the course is all about, and enter it as a comment on this facebook post(IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT enter a comment under this blog post...make sure to click here to go to this post on the OCM FB page to enter your suggestion!)
  • If you have more than one idea, you can add multiple suggestions, each as a separate comment.
  • You have until midnight (MT) on Sunday November 17th to submit your entries.
  • A total of TEN prizes will be awarded as follows:
    • The person who suggests the winning name (as chosen by the expert panel of judges - AKA me, hubby and my boys!) will win the grand prize - Registration in the 2020 course AND a prize pack of OCM Digital Products! *Note that if more than one person suggests the same class name, all those entries will go into a draw and the grand prize winner will be selected from those entries at random.
    • The other nine winners will be drawn at random from all remaining entries and will include free registration in the 2020 online class! 
  • All winners will be announced during the Facebook Live on the OCM Facebook Page on Tuesday November 19th so make sure to tune in!
  • More course details (including the new name!) will be posted here and on the OCM Facebook Page and registration will open on Sunday December 1st.
I'm excited to see what names you all come up with and even more excited to start 2020 off with the intention of helping you to bash that stash of scrapbook supplies and get your photos onto pages!

Thanks in advance to all who enter and GOOD LUCK!

PS...If we haven't met in person, that's a screenshot of me below during one of my video lessons 
from this past year. I hope to "see" you in one of my future classes! Good luck and thanks! 
💗 Noreen

*** Contest Rules ***
Please read before entering. By participating in this contest you agree to the following rules:

  • Contest is sponsored by Organized and Creative Mom/Noreen Smith.
  • Contest runs from November 10th until midnight November 17th, 2019.
  • Although details are provided here on the Organized and Creative Mom website, the contest will be run on the Organized and Creative Mom Facebook Page.
  • To enter, add your suggested course name in a comment below this pinned post on the Organized and Creative Mom Facebook Page.
  • You may enter more than once by providing a different course name suggestion, but each course name suggestion must be added as a separate comment.
  • No purchase is necessary to enter. Any purchases made in the Organized and Creative Mom Shop or Classroom will not increase your likelihood of winning.
  • There is no requirement to like or share the post or tag others in the post in order to win.
  • Odds of winning are dependent upon the number of entries received.
  • Grand prize winner will be chosen by contest sponsor (Organized and Creative Mom/Noreen Smith) based on the best course name suggested. 
  • If more than one person suggests the same course name, all those entries will go into a separate draw and the grand prize winner will be selected from those entries at random.
  • An additional nine prize winners will be drawn at random from all remaining entries, including any duplicate course name suggestions that were entered into a grand prize draw.
  • Winner will be announced during Facebook Live on Tuesday November 19th at 7:30 pm (MT). Winner will also be contacted by Facebook Messenger.
  • There is no cash value to prizes awarded nor may they be exchanged for cash.
  • By submitting an entry/name for the course, you are granting permission for Organized and Creative Mom/Noreen Smith to use and publish that name. All user submitted entries will become and remain the property of Organized and Creative Mom/Noreen Smith and may be used and/or published in future.
  • By submitting an entry/name for the course, you agree to have your name published and/or announced if you are a winner. 
  • Facebook is not the sponsor of this contest, nor will they assist in administering the contest in any way.


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