New House, Boy's Toys and GIVEAWAYS!

So sorry for the absence...we took possession of our new house on Monday and have already started on the renovations! Here's a pic I took back in March after we purchased it. (Yes, we still had some snow on the ground when we took possession, but not quite this much, and everything IS finally greening up!) I think it looks like a happy smiling house!

We have also been busy showing our old house to possible tenants. It's been a busy few days and I can only imagine that it will not be slowing down until after we officially move later in the month, so please bear with me if I am away from posting occasionally!

The boys in my house got some new toys over the past few days. We got the boys a new inflatable bouncy house that was meant to be for outside play, but what do you do when you still have snow on the ground? Put it in the basement of course!

And Shane treated himself to an iPad when they came out in Canada this past Friday. He didn't have to line up for it, but I think he would have anyway - he really wanted to play with the technology! It didn't dissappoint - it's great, and he played all weekend!
No new toys for me, but that didn't stop me from playing...I sat down late last night to put together a layout for the Baker's Dozen class I'm taking over at BPS. Fun, fast and cute. (Sorry for the lousy pic...I took it last night after finishing it up!)

Now, something fun for YOU! I have been sorting and purging and packing for the past few weeks, but will be kicking into high gear now that we can actually start bringing our belongings over. Last week after I shared Stacy Julian's thoughts on purging, I started going through my own personal scrapping supplies and found a bunch of stuff I would love to share with you! There are some discontinued SMS products too, like older page paks that I only have one-ofs left. Anyway, I gathered three wonderful prize packages to giveaway!!!

All you need to do to win is leave a comment on this post as to what supplies you have the most of. What do you "collect" - patterend paper? Tools? Stickers? Buttons? You have until Sunday June 6th at midnight (Mountain Time) to leave your comment and we'll post the winners next Monday. Good luck - I can't wait to share!!!


  1. Darling layout! I'll need to Google the iPad, I have never even heard of it, LOL
    I have WAY too many Stamps and Prima's in some people's opinions. :-)
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Cute LO! Hmmm...what do I have the most of? Probably embellishments. I buy packs of things and use only part of the pack, then take YEARS sometimes to find the right place to use the rest of it. And I make a lot of my embellishments, leaving me extras of the supplies I used to make them.

  3. Right now I mostly have paper but I've begun an obsession for ribbon! I love browsing the mark down bins at Michael's full spools for $1 or $2!

  4. I have a ton of patterned paper just begging to be used and I keep buying more!! I see something I like, I pick it up....really need to stop doing that. Congrats on the new house!


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