Summer Scrap-a-thon Week 1

Can you believe it?
It's officially summer! 
Break out the sprinkler, the bubbles and the lemonade!

Let's celebrate and take advantage of the three lovely months we have stretched ahead of us by scrapping one layout each week, ok? Are you with me? GREAT!

So let's kick off our Summer Scrap-a-thon by revisiting LAST summer. Think back - what did you do? Was there a special event or activity you attended?
A great vacation you went on?
Or simply sweet summer days full of fun and relaxation?

Whatever it was, find a photo or photos that represent the highlight of your 2009 summer and scrap a layout about it. Then, take a photo of it and share it by posting it in our Summer Scrap-a-thon flickr gallery!

To get us started, DT member Amber scrapped a travel memory of her and her husband at the beautiful Biltmore Estate in North Carolina from last summer.

Along with silk flowers and pearl accents Amber used some SMS Embossed Daisies and Butterflies from our spring line. I love how her layout showcases not only the vacation memory, but her relationship with her wonderful husband! Thanks Amber!

We'll have more DT layouts to share this week along with some great tips so make sure to come back and check them out. (Or follow our posts so you won't miss any of the scrap-a-thon fun!)

Try to take some time on this first day of summer to recall and scrap special memories of last summer, and perhaps make a list of things to do this summer! We can't wait to see your layouts posted in the flickr gallery!

Let the scrap-a-thon begin!


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