Summer Scrap-A-Thon!

Sorry for the late post...I spent time in the hospital today with my dad who was admitted for some heart problems. He will be fine, but it's always a scary place to be. promised, here are all the details for our super fun Summer Scrap-A-Thon!

Here's Why...
Last year I made the naive assumption that I would have lots of time during those lazy days of summer to scrap and work on projects that I had been putting off throughout the rest of the year. Oh, I was so wrong! Other lovely opportunities beckoned and projects got put on the back burner. By the time fall rolled around I had only completed 2 pages and none of the larger projects I had wanted to devote time to. Sound familiar?

Here's What...
So THIS year, I have a plan to help me and you get TWELVE layouts done this summer. That's ten more than I did last summer! We'll do one layout per week, and, we'll take a break on the weeks that have a long weekend so you can still enjoy lots of those lazy days of summer as well! Sound good?

Here's How...
Each Monday starting June 21st (except for August 2 and September 6) we will be posting a challenge, idea or prompt for you to create a layout with. Once you finish your take on the challenge, take a photo of your layout and post it in our Flickr gallery. If you post you are already a winner because you got another layout done, but you'll also eligible for the prize draws! Easy, eh?
Oh yeah...and each week we'll also have inspiration to share from our design team as well as new tutorials and techniques. We'll also give you a hint at what's to come by telling you what kind of photos to pull for the next challenge.
Here's what's in it for you...
  • get 12 layouts done! 
  • share your work with others and be part of a like-minded group!
  • win great prizes!
  • have your layout showcased on our site!
  • have a tonne of fun!
Here's what to do now...
  1. Follow our blog postings by becoming a friend in the right-hand sidebar. That way you won't miss the new challenge each week!
  2. If you don't already have one, create your own free Flickr account, then become part of our SMS Summer Scrap-a-thon 2010 group
  3. Grab our blog button from the sidebar and post it on your own blog. Invite your readers to join us!
  4. Finally, pick out a few of your favorite pictures from LAST summer and you'll be ready to go!
I hope you are ready to go the distance and join our Summer Scrap-a-thon!


  1. Can't wait! Between Baker's Dozen and the Scrap a thon I'll have 25 pages done by the fall! Woohoo! Hope your dad is well.


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