Muffin Tin & Menu Monday

Grayson is a picky eater. Lately we have been having BATTLES about trying to get him to eat is meals. After wracking my brain about how to get this kid to eat, I remembered back to when I tried serving him his lunch in a muffin tin how he was so delighted that he ate it all up! So, with nothing to lose, I tried it again today.

Nothing fancy...cheese and ham cubes, some pretzels and crackers, strawberries and a banana muffin. HE ATE IT ALL. I was so thrilled! Spurred on by my success, I revisited the muffin tin monday ideas found here and plan to incorporate some of them next Monday!

Muffin tin lunches aside, here is the rest of the menu plan for this week:

Monday: Grilled Steaks (grilled Hot Dogs for the boys) Baked Potatoes, Broccoli

Tuesday: Chili, Buns, Veggies & Dip

Wednesday: Perogies and Famers Sausage, Mixed Green Salad

Thursday: Chicken Cacciatore over Pasta, Mixed Green Salad

Friday: Pizza night, but I'm saving my wine consumption for tomorrow night!

Saturday: Oh I can't wait for Saturday! Shane and I are heading up to the famous Banff Springs Hotel for an overnight Christmas party! The dinner menu is as follows:
Appetizer: Seared Prawns on Asparagus Salad with Micro Greens and Herbed Sabayon
Soup: Butternut & Apple Bisque with a Gingerbread-spiced Crème Fraiche
Entree: Alberta Beef Tenderloin served with a Merlot Reduction Sauce, Dauphinoise Potato and Seasonal Vegetables
Dessert: Valrhona Dark Chocolate Praline Mousse served with Zinfandel Cardamom Marinated Peaches
Oh. My. Gosh. I think I have died and gone to heaven...even before eating this incredible menu! YUM!

I guess I better leave some supper for the boys and Grammy who is looking after them...probably something easy to heat up like lasagna/pasta casserole.

Sunday: Oh the food doesn't stop. Our overnight party includes brunch the next morning too. And the Banff Springs Brunch buffet is one of the best in - dare I say it? - THE WORLD! Our plan is to sleep in just a little, go for a bit of a walk and then PIG OUT on all the super delectable buffet items!

Sigh...fter all that rich food we better have something light for supper on Sunday - leftovers or soup and buns.

Now off to get the shopping done - haven't been able to get out for a few days because of the snow!


  1. Ohhh, the Banff Springs!! I've eaten at Jasper Park Lodge for a weekend and it was AMAZING!! Unbelievable actually.
    Have fun!


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