We're Back! (Well, sort of!)

Here's hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I know my family and I did! There was lots of time spent with friends and family, lots of great food and lots of lovely presents. Who could ask for anything more?

I was able to take some time to work on a few personal projects - getting my Project 365 up to date, finishing off some pages for my son's baby book and creating a new decorative piece for my scrap space. If you follow Ali Edwards's blog, you may know that each year she adopts a word that she uses as a guide for the coming year. I have never embraced a word as a motto or matra, but this year I decided that the word SIMPLIFY was the one word that might help me focus on getting things in my life organized - and there are so many areas to work on! I created this little sign to hang up that would remind me on a daily basis to simplify:


I recycled an old picture frame and used some of my favorite alpha stamps from Kaisercraft. I used some watercolor pencils to add my favorite bright fun colors and decided that in the spirit of simplicity, it didn't need any other embellishments! I hope this visual reminder helps me in my journey this year.

Have you chosen a word? Why not create a little reminder sign for yourself?

I'll be back next week after the rest of the holidays wind down. Some of the things to look forward to in January include new product designs, a DESIGN TEAM CALL and of course our all-day workshop on January 30th  for those of you in the Calgary area. Thanks once more for all your support in 2009. I am thrilled at the growth we have experienced in such a short time and I am very much looking forward to expanding Sharing Memories Scrapbooking in the future!

Here's wishing you a Happy New Year! See you in 2010!

Noreen Smith


  1. I chose my word when I saw a similar post on a different site. I thought it was a great idea then. I chose the word intentional


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