Our Family Summer Bucket List

Kids in Calgary don't get out of school until the end of June, so when my boys finished grade 1 and pre-school at the end of last week, it officially signalled that it was time to kick back and and get into summer mode! This is the first summer that I feel a need to make some plans as to how we occupy our time. Grayson will have some "summer school" everyday to keep up with his reading, math and writing, while Sam will be practicing skills such as cutting with scissors, alphabet activities and pencil grip. Since I know these activities won't completely fill the lazy days of summer, I came up with a list of specific things we want to do and some special places we want to go. Then, inspired by the Creative Memories Bucket List and loads of versions on Pinterest, I decided to create our own Family Bucket List for Summer 2012 as part of my June Kit of the Month* featuring CM's Cheerful Summer 12 x 12 Addition.

This layout is simple to make:

1) Use one sheet of the blue wave paper as the background
2) Layer a bright corner sun and a "Fun in the Sun" title cut on the Cricut using the CM Cheerful Seasons Cartridge in the corner
3) Add 1 orange patterned photo mat and the 11 x 3.5 strip of White Ruled Paper to write the actual list on
4) Customize the layout by adding some decorative sticker elements from the kit

My semi-finished layout is now hanging in our family room on our everchanging Everyday Display Board so we can easily keep tabs on what we've done and what we still want to do! Currently I have a photo of my boys from last summer in the photo mat, but at the end of the summer I will switch it out for one showing something we've done from the bucket list and write in any additional adventures we've had. Then, I'll slip the completed layout into our family album as a wonderful reminder of the summer of 2012!

* The June Kit of the Month features the Cheerful Summer 12 x 12 Addition Pak, a sheet with instructions to create 2 12 x 12 layouts & 2 cards, and all the additional pieces you will need to complete the projects - all for $15.00. Its a great kit, and my KOTM club ladies really enjoyed using these summery papers! You can purchase just the Cheerful Summer additions pak on my CM website, or buy the entire kit by contacting me directly!

Whats on your bucket list this summer?


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