December It's a Sketchy Challenge Layout

I love the days between Christmas and New Years! All three of my guys are busy playing with their new toys and I get to sequester myself away in the basement to play with my own papers and tools and photos! I am working on finishing up our 2012 Family Highlights storybook and getting that sent off to CM's Digital Center for printing before December 31st, which is when the hardbound book product credit I have runs out! (nothing like leaving it to the last minute, eh?!)

I did take some time to make some traditional layouts, and I just uploaded the one I created based on the December sketch challenge at Canadian Scrapbooker magazine.

Here's the sketch:

And here's my version:

Cardstock, Adhesive and Pen - Creative Memories
Patterned Paper - KI Memories
Plantin Schoolbook Cricut Cartridge

It's a pretty literal scraplift (my fussy-cut flowers are in pretty much the same place as the circles on the sketch) but sometimes when I work from a sketch I just want to follow it and not think too much!

Speaking of sketches...make sure to check back in the first week of January to see my first Sketch of the Month (which will be replacing Kit of the Month). There'll be a linky party and a prize each month and I hope lots of you will participate!


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