Memory Keeping Goals for 2013

As I mentioned in an earlier post, each year I make a series of goals to guide me in my memory keeping efforts. I have been thinking about my 2013 goals for a while now and I'm finally ready to commit them to, the blog!
  1. Complete 10 personal pages per month. It doesn't seem like too much, but that equals 120 pages for the year! That's on top of sample pages I do for my CM business.
  2. Take an online class from Big Picture Classes to stay current and learn something new. I love the community feel there too!
  3. Sort and organize the three Rubbermaid boxes of photos and memorabilia gleaned from my parents move out of the family home and begin the process of placing them into albums. I know I will need to do Power Sort and Power Layout processes to get this accomplished.
  4. On the business and blog side, I plan on offering "Naked" Scrapbooking, Beginner Digital Scrapbooking and Power Layout workshops to help more ladies complete more projects.
  5. Provide a Sketch of the Month link party (with a prize!) on the blog each month
  6. Ok, and I'm almost afraid to put this in writing, but I think I'm going to send off some layouts to publishing calls, and perhaps apply for a design team. This would be a big stretch for me!!!!
Have you thought about YOUR memory-keeping goals for 2013? Put them in writing and stick to them and you'll be amazed what you will have accomplished by the end of 2013!

Have a safe and Happy New Year!


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