Page Kit Layout 2 and Retiring CM Products

Sorry I've been absent this week...I've been dealing with a failing computer again! My IT hubby has babied my old laptop along now for 4 years, but it's finally time to get a new one. I am posting this on hubby's Mac, but since he uses it for work I don't have access to it most days. My new computer has been ordered and hopefully I'll be back to regular posting in a week or so!

Anyway...I wanted to share another layout completed on the road! Remember that I took a bunch of Page Kits with me on my vacation? I was able to get several layouts done in a small space when I had short little bursts of time...the kits are such a great tool for me! Here's one with photos from last summer at our favorite local amusement park (sorry it's so photo editing software to work with right now!)

Papers, journaling box and stickers - Little Boy Kit , Creative Memories (Retired) 

When I was choosing kit supplies to work with these photos I wanted a bright, whimsical print. I came across these papers I purchased from CM when Grayson was about 2 or 3! That was when CM still had smaller size papers - they were about 11.25 x 12, instead of a true 12 x 12 size. But a 6 x 10 strip of my favorite plaid paper from the collection worked fine as a backdrop for the fun photos of the boys on rides at our local amusement park. The journal box with the little planes was so cute, and I still had a strip of cloud stickers in the kit that I cut apart and mounted with foam adhesive to finish off the layout. Some (very!) old letter stickers made for a simple, fast title and I then I journaled and drew some lines around the white elements with the same pen to help separate them from the background and give them a little definition. All in all I think this layout took about 12 minutes to complete!

I'll post some more layouts and try to catch up with some of the missing creative prompts as I have access to a computer, and once I get my own again, I'll be back on track sharing lots more artwork!

In the meantime, three important things to mention...

1) Make sure to check out this huge list of Creative Memories products that are being discontinued. CM announced at the conference last weekend that they will be reducing their product line to a more manageable size, so of course that means some products are going in order to make room for new goodies! Also, there will be a modest price increase effective in the new catalogue, so if there are products you  want to purchase before they are gone or before the prices increase, please feel free to shop on my secure website anytime...your order will be shipped directly to your home!

2) The CM Rewards Club is offering an incredible deal...sign up now for $39.00 and get $39.00 in credit to spend on CM products! That's like signing up for FREE! If you've been thinking about becoming a rewards club member, now is DEFINITELY the time to do so...if you are already a member, you'll extend your membership by one year (from your renewal date) AND add $39.00 in credit to your account. You can't beat this offer! See all the details and sign up here! But don't wait...this offer is only available until August 15th!

3) Don't forget if you are in the Calgary area, I'd love to have you join me at my Super Party Product Launch, this Wednesday August 15th at 7:30pm. RSVP and I will send you the address. Join me for some snacks and beverages, get your copy of the new catalogue and receive a free gift just for attending! See you then!

Have a great day!


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