Button, Button...Who Is Making Buttons?

I love adding buttons to my scrapbook pages and cards, and I love sourcing out new, cute buttons to add to our Page Paks. But recently I have been inspired by sweet HANDMADE buttons like these from TessaAnn

...these ones from Stephanie at My Little Bit of Whimsy

...and these by Jane

So, I decided that I wanted to try my hand at making some too. Off I went to buy some Fimo from Michael's in my fave colors. Needless to say the clay has been sitting on my cabinet for while, waiting for my good intentions to change into action! Well, on Saturday I saw a post by our own DT member Jamie that spurred me into action! (Edited...I see from this morning's blog posts that Jamie spent some more time over the weekend making more buttons...check them out here!)

I sat down Saturday afternoon to make these...

A far cry from the gorgeous inspiration buttons, but not bad for a first attempt! And, it was easier than I thought. First, I mixed some blue and white clay together to get a softer, marbled blue. Then I rolled it out, cookie dough style and used a small round band (that fell off some toy, I think) to act as a cutter. I pressed a rubber flower stamp in each button to give it a little texture and then used a toothpick to make the holes. I baked them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper at 250 degrees for about 30'35 minutes. I am debating whether or not to glaze them now...I do like the matte finish but I am wondering if they will wear well without a protective coating. I will DEFINITELY be making some more of these using up that rainbow of Fimo I bought months ago! (And I think I will be looking for some mini-cookie cutters and a cheap pasta machine to make the process even easier!)

Do you have any craft projects you've been meaning to get to? What's stopping you? Go forth and craft!


  1. noreen,
    your buttons are beautiful! I like the texture and color!


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