Michelle's Scrap Space

Today we are taking a snoop around Michelle's scrap space. Michelle and her family recently moved, so it's a wonder that she has everything all set up already. But she did have some great tips to pack, move and unpack her scrap space in this post.

When we moved to our new house a month or so ago, I immediately claimed the office for my scrapping area. And it wasn't until I started moving stuff into the room that I realized there was no light fixture! I'm guessing it was built as a study and the owners wanted it to be cozy and have lots of lamp "ambiance" light, but it's a killer for scrapping. So for now, I have 5 lamps (some stolen from other rooms!) and practically never close the blinds to try to help with the lighting issue. Eventually there will be new paint and new curtains and hopefully a new fixture, but I besides the lighting I love how big the room is and that I can close the french doors and pretend I'm the only one in the house.

This is the view you see as soon as you walk in my front door and turn left. I try to keep it somewhat clean, but since we don't know a soul here in the new town, we don't have many visitors and I don't have to worry about it all that much. The computer is always on when I'm scrapping or sewing and Pandora Radio is always playing.

I bought my desk, bookcase, and buffet from Wal-Mart and couldn't be happier with them. The bookcase holds my stash of magazines and baskets full of embellishments.The closed in cabinets are full of left over material and other sewing nonsense. I just recently bought the wire shelf from Hobby Lobby to keep my solid cardstock in.

The buffet holds my patterned papers in the side shelves and letters, stickers, and rub ons in the drawers.

The sewing table used to be our dining table at the old house. It wouldn't work in this house and we couldn't get rid of it since my husband built it, so I used velcro to put on a sheet-turned-skirt and it is now a hiding place for junk and my daughter!

This shelf is also from Wal-Mart and hold my Cricut stuff, pictures, and some of my daughter's coloring books and activities.

My daughter has a desk that she sits at to work on her stuff and the white board that used to hang in my old scraproom is, at the moment, sitting on the floor for her to play with. It's so much easier to get something done when she's in there with me doing her own thing!

WOW! I love this room - the panelling details on the walls and the dark wood furniture make it so elegant! I wish the Wal-Mart in Canada carried furniture that nice! I hope when I move next month I can be as organized as you Michelle!


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