Weekend Web Round-Up - May 14th

If you have a little time this weekend check out these great links from around the web!

1) You probably know by now how much I admire Stacy Julian...as a matter of fact I was just mentioning her great and liberating philosophy in my last post about my own scrap space. I was thilled to see Stacy come out with a video about her appraoch to sorting, storing and using her scrapbooking products. In the first of hopefully many videos, she talks about scrapping with the color green!

2) Our very own DT member Michelle Roycroft has a great tutorial on creating bookplates for your childrens' books (or your own for that matter!)

3) Remember back in April I took part in Ali Edwards Week in the Life project? Yeah, well, I am not QUITE finished my pages from that week, but lots of her readers ARE finished and they shared their work. See reader submissions Part 1 and Part 2

4) Everytime I go into Wal-mart I walk through the photo-album aisle...just in case there is something special ro different. I love to stock up on the little $1.00 plastic photo albums for quick mini-projects and I recently came across a tutorial for making a cute felt cover for these little albums. So sweet! Check it out here on Chez Beeper Bebe! Why not make one this weekend ( after you organize your scrap products by color, make bookplates and enjoy sneek-peaks in to other's lives of course!)

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm glad to hear that you're not finished with your Week in the Life project either! I'm almost done, but there are still a few things missing.


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