Weekend Web Round-Up - May 28th

Wow...that was a short week! Here are a few finds from all over the web for you to peruse this weekend!
  1. Liz Tamanaha from Paislee Press was a guest blogger this week over at Ella Publishing. She offered great advice for buidling your albums two pages at a time as well as some free digital templates in her signature clean style.
  2. If you haven't explored Ella Puiblishing, do so while you are there. Make sure to check out their May E-Zine issue and download their free Super Sampler E-Book!
  3. Robots seemed to pop up everywhere this week...DT members Jamie and Amber were making them and so was I. They are so cute!
  4. You already know I love Stacy Julian and her new video series on sorting, organizing and scrapping by color. But this video (which features WHITE) also talks lots about purging our supplies. Yeah...that's something I'm not so good at! (Hmmm...maybe I should do a little purging on the weekend and have a GIVEAWAY next week? Yes? Well, OK!)
  5. Last but not least is an easy little photo tutorial on making 3-D flowers with twill tape by Summer Fullerton. SO cute and so full of possibilities! 
Do you have a favortie technique for making embellishments? We'd love to hear or see it! post your tips in the comments or link to a favorite tutorial so we can all learn!

Have a great weekend!


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