GROW Page Pak

This past long weekend marked the beginning of the growing season here in Calgary as it supposedly is the last day we could possibly have frost. (BUT, today it's calling for rain mixed with snow and a high of only 6 degree, so you never know!) We are classified as Zone 3, so many plants just won't grow here. I am always a little envious when I see posts from friends in more temperate climates who have blooming flowers and lush foliage all year long (or at least a good few months more than us!) It's no wonder then that I am a sucker for floral papers as they tend to make me think of those warmer growing months any time of the year. With this in mind, here is our newest Page Pak, simply titled "Grow".

The Pak contains 2 patterned papers by K&Company, 2 Sheets Solid Cardstock, 4 Photo Mattes, Title Letters(GROW) and 8 Gems to add a little sparkle!

As with our other Page Paks, there is enough product to complete 2 12 x 12 pages all for only $5.00! Create two layouts of your choice, or use the sample layout shown below (and included on the Pak Insert) as your guide.

Here's the instructions for this easy LO:

1) Cut your floral and butterfly papers in half so you will have two 6 x 12 pieces of each. Cut one 6 x 12 of each paper in half to create two 6 x 6 squares. Cut one 2 x 12 strip from the floral paper.

2) Mount the 6 x 12 butterfly paper across the bottom of one piece of cardstock. Mount the 2 x 12 floral strip above it. Mount one 6 x 6 butterfly paper square on the lower right hand corner of the second piece of cardstock. Mount a floral 6 x 6  square on the upper left hand corner of the same piece of cardstock. Set aside the rest of your patterned paper for decorative elements.

3) Cut two of the yellow 4.5 x 6.5 photo mattes down to measure 4.5 x 4.5 each. Mount these in the empty squares on the second piece of cardstock. Mount the remaining two full size photo mattes so they overlap the butterfly and floral papers on the first piece of cardstock.

4) Mount two 3.5 x 5.5 or 4 x 6 vertical photos on the photo mattes on the first page of the layout. Trim four photos into 4 x 4 squares and mount as shown on the second piece of cardstock.

5) Get out your scissors and hand trim a few flowers and butterflies from your leftover pieces of patterned paper. Position as shown or wherever you like! I cut a butterfly and flowers that were already half off the edge of my leftover patterned paper and placed them on the edges of my page and used a small flower to replace the O in GROW. Cut out some leaves or smaller elements too if you like.

6) I added the gems to the center of some of the flowers and to my main butterfly accent.

7) For journaling, you could use one of the four 4 x 4 spaces or simply write captions under each of the photos.

8) To punch up and finish off my layout I created a faux stitching effect by using an opaque white pen (not included) to make small dash marks all the way around the individual elements. I also swiped the edges of the photo mattes and letters with a white ink pad (not included) to create a softer look to blend in with the papers.

After creating your two page layout, you will still have enough leftovers to use on other projects such as a cute card...

Simply cut additional butterflies and flowers and add them to a card base made from white or colored cardstock from your stash. Stamp or write a greeting, maybe add a little glitter and you are done!

You can purchase the Grow Page Pak (and all our Page Paks!) here in our shop!
Happy growing!


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