Gearing up for another move!

I have spent the last three weeks moving my Sharing Memories Scrapbooking website from Wordpress to work as a custom domain on Blogger. It's all working now, but it was a tonne of work! I didn't have time for any other blogging, that's for sure! But now that it's all OK, I am back, and now I have to start gearing up for another kind of move!

We are only 4 -5 weeks away from taking possesion of our new house, completing some small renos and moving in! Yikes!

There is still so much to do. (Hey...if you have any no-fail moving tips I am all ears!) I am determined NOT to move stuff like broken or outdated toys, too small clothes, old linens etc. I am in the process of getting rid of all those items and we are planning a mother of a garage sale later in the month!

I decided I better take that approach with food as well. I would love to be able to move an empty chest freezer and maybe only a small box of essentail pantry items...wouldn't that be great? SO just like back in January I need to create a month long use-up-what-we-have-eat-from-the-pantry-or-freezer-so-I-don't-have-to-move-it plan!

It might take a few days to write up the meal plan, but I am committed to just buying fresh dairy and produce over the next few weeks! There might be some pretty unorthordox dinners in there somewhere...just so I can use stuff up! Anyway, check back for the plan tomorrow or Wednesday and wish me luck!


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