5 Essential Elements of a Scrapbook Page

A scrapbook page (of any size for any album) is generally comprised of these 5 elements:

1) Scrapbook Page—the paper surface you add your photos, decorative papers and embellishments to. In some albums like a strap hinge album or spiral bound album, the pages are already inside your album and you will scrapbook directly on them. In other styles like post bound and 3-ring, you will scrapbook on a piece of white or colored cardstock and then slip the cardstock into the page protectors that fit into your album.

2) Photo(s) – the jumping off point for most pages.

3) Journaling (to tell the story of what’s IN the photos). Can be done directly on the page by hand with a photo-safe pen or printed onto computer paper and added to the page after. This is an important part of any page and is covered in more detail in the Journaling section of this website.

4) Title– a well-chosen title can convey so much about the pages theme or idea. Titles can be created by handwriting, using computer printed text, letter stickers or pre made title accents.

5) Enhancements—colored cardstock, patterned paper, decorative or letter stickers, rub-ons, eyelets, brads, ribbons, chipboard, buttons, tags and more! (Don’t be overwhelmed…I’ll teach you how to use them all in the Techniques to Try section of this website!)

In some cases a page might have a 6th element—Memorabilia. This might include newspaper clippings, ticket stubs, certificates, locks of hair, correspondence, recipe cards, report cards etc.

That’s it! The beauty of scrapbooking is that thanks to the millions of choices out there, these 5 basic elements can be put together in limitless combinations so that each page is different and unique.


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