Weekend Web-Roundup - National Scrapbooking Day!

Tomorrow is National Scrapbooking Day!  NSD (as it is commonly known)  is typically celebrated on or around May 1st and this year is no exception. It's a great way to celebrate this great hobby whether alone or with a group of other scrappers. You may have events happening in your own area, but I thought I would highlight a few fun things you can see or do online;
  • National Scrapbooking Day is a website that lists many live and onine events and is hosting 2 hour sketches, blog hops etc. There is so much to choose from here that you may never get to any of these other links!
  • Jessica Sprague is having a great four day celebreation featuring crops, challenges, digital freebies, and a sale on products. Drop by to participate or even take an online digital scrapbooking class.
  • If you're a digi scrapper, be sure to grab this beautiful digital mini-kit from one of my favorite designers - Carina Gardner. THis is in conjunction with events at Design House Digitals, so be sure to drop by their blog as well!
  • My favorite scrpbooker of all time, Stacy Julian, is guest blogging on Creting Keepsakes blog as part of their countdown to NSD. Have a read and get inspired...oh and get a free font as well!
  • Have an iPhone? Get a new app! Bazzill has a great new app that lets you match 100's of colors of their fabulous paper. What a great tool to take shopping! And Scrapbooks etc. has a great app that let's you sort and scrap on the go. (Search the app store on your phone for these great apps.)
  • Elle's studio has a fun weekend planned with lots of giveaways and sales of their amazing products.
  • Don't know where to start? Use a sketch! Sketcher extraordinaire Becky FLeck has TONNES of sketches to get your mojo flowing. And there is a new sketch and contest over on her blog. Why not scrap based on the sketch and submit it? You just might win!
What are you going to do? Maybe organize your stash and make a space for creating? Sort some photos? Make a layout? It's not too late to get some friends together for a pot luck lunch and crop, or simply cherish some alone time and enjoy working with yummy papers and embellies!

And what am I going to do to celebrate NSD? Hole up in my scrap space (with lots of candy and diet coke of course!), clean up a bit first and then work on completing my Week in the Life project. I'll probably finish the last post (only a week late!) here on the blog and then get to work scrapping all the photos I took that week! I can't wait to do some scrapping for myself...I always seem to be working on the next kit or planning for our next event!

Whatever you do...have fun!
Happy NSD!


  1. I spent the better part of Friday and Saturday evening and into the wee hours of Saturday and Sunday morning organizing my scrap space/home office. I've been dieing to do it and didn't care how tired I was, it was well worth it!


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