Giveaway Winners!

Hi all! Sorry for the delay in posting the winners of our Earth Day giveaway...we had a freakish snow storm yesterday with very heavy wet snow that knocked out our cable/internet. It's still snowing this morning, but it's much lighter and everything seems to be working now. And I will have to get caught up and post the last two days of my Week in the Life series a little later on today.

Anyway...thanks to all who became followers or left comments. Apparently some of you weren't able to leave a comment because of an issue with the word verification. So sorry about that...thank you to those who emailed me about it. We had 14 new followers, 2 commenters and 7 who emailed me that they couldn't post a comment or that they posted about us on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks to you all for helping to spread the word. The site should be changed over to in the next few days and hopefully we'll be back at it!

So the winners of the printables/png files are:

Margie C.


Stephanie Zito!

Congrats ladies! Please email me your email information and I will get the files off to you later today or tomorrow. I hope you enjoy them!

Thanks to enryone for entering and becoming our new friends!

Next week we'll have some new Page Paks/Layouts as well as some tours of our Design Team's scrappy spaces!
Have a great Sunday and hope it's not snowing where you are!


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