Page Plan #11

This page plan features a tilted picture bar for a dynamic change of pace. The easiest way to create a tilted photo strip is to assemble the patterned backing paper strip and photos straight (horizontally), then turn it on an angle and mount it to your page. Turn your entire page over and trim off the excess. Easy!

There are three photos shown on the angled strip, but you could add more photos and have them run right off the edges of your page for a really dynamic look.

All Sharing Memories Scrapbooking Page Plans are copyrighted. Feel free to use these plans for your own personal use. If you would like to share these plans, please provide a link to this website. You may submit work to publications that have been created with our plans but please note that your work was inspired by Sharing Memories Scrapbooking Page Plans. If posting to online galleries, please also note that your work was inspired by our plans. Thanks!


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