Finding Inspiration

Scrapbook ideas are all around you. Your inspiration can come from anywhere!

I find that scrapbooking helps me be more aware of the beauty all around me. I am constantly looking at things with refreshed eyes, thinking about how things could translate onto a scrapbook page.

Think about: *colors you love *clothes you wear *objects you have in your home *family and friends *books and magazines you read *your favorite activities

I personally am inspired by: *the things my three year old son says and does *designs seen in magazines and books *stripes and polka Dots *nature *paint chip color combinations *scrapbook products! *quotes I come across

I also keep an “Inspiration Journal” where I can jot down ideas as I come across them and then refer back to them when I need a little inspiration for a page or project. I bought a small spiral notebook/journal at Michael’s for $1.00 that had a fun pattern on the cover and I carry it in my purse with me. When I see something that makes me think “Aha—that would make a great scrapbook page”, I jot it down or draw a quick sketch of it. Later when I have a chance at home, I look through my notebook and transfer the idea to a larger Inspirations binder I keep in my scrap area. There I can elaborate on the inspirational idea and perhaps come up with a page plan, a journaling idea or a color scheme.


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