Week in the Life - Day 2

I was too tired to post last night, so here's my account of yesterday.

Monday April 19th 2010:

A normal, busy Monday. Most days I feel like I am in constant motion, but by the end of the day wonder what I actually accomplished. I decided to record the chores/jobs/things I really DO do in a normal day so I can remember what it was like being a SAHM with two young children.
  • Got boys up and dressed
  • Made and ate breakfast with them
  • Checked and answered emails
  • Cleaned up breakfast dishes/kitchen
  • Put a load of towels in laundry
  • Made beds, cleaned bathroom, tidied living room
  • Played with boys - made a giant train track in rec room
  • Answered and made 4 phone calls
  • Switched out laundry - put a second load in
  • Put Sam down for nap
  • Continued working on new Page Paks - got 10 complete and another 10 half done
  • Sat down to have a coffee and surfed favorite blogs for about 10 minutes while Grayson watched a movie
  • Got Sam up from nap
  • Made lunch for boys...ate on my feet while feeding them
  • Packed Grayson's snack and prepared his backpack for school
  • Cleaned up kitchen (and boys!) after lunch
  • Brought Grayson to school
  • Did banking
  • Went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few pantry items
  • Picked up my dad and went with him to Rona to choose a new facucet for his bathroom renovation
  • Stopped at my favorite scrapbook store to pick up a new inkpad...and a couple of new shades of Copics (I told you I was now obsessed!)
  • Dropped dad off at home and took Sam home for a nap
  • Played with my new Copics for 15 minutes and had a cold drink
  • Oops...got back to neglected laundry!
  • Grayson came home from school and we played bubbles in the backyard
  • Got Sam up from nap
  • Started supper and got things ready for Grayson's first soccer practice of the year
  • Mistimed supper and undercooked it. Inedible. Boys had cheese and crackers instead
  • Got a call from hubby...he had been rear-ended coming home from work. He was OK but would be late and would have to meet us at the soccer practice
  • Got both boys out the door and up to the soccer field
  • Met with coaches and got filled in on equipment (I am equipment manager this year thanks to hubby "volunteering" me!)
  • Watched Sam, visited with grandma, my BIL and his girlfriend, and cheered Grayson on
  • Loaded equipment and boys back into Jeep and headed home
  • Got boys changed into jammies and made milk/snack for them
  • Read two bedtime storybooks
  • Helped boys brush their teeth and get into bed
  • Cleaned up mess from ruined dinner
  • Talked with Shane about taxes, bills and household money while he was sorting that out
  • Took last load of laundry out of dryer
  • Collapsed to watch Dancing with the Stars
  • Almost fell asleep on couch, so I drug my tired self off to bed after putting on dishwasher and tidying up once more

OK...that makes me feel a little better...I am tired just looking at the list that is so typical of what most of us moms do in a single day! And I have no clue how many diapers I changed or how many times i intervened between two squabbling brothers! So that's what a pretty normal day looks like around here. I am reminded of the quote I often see on mommy blogs  by Mary Jean Iron:

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so."

How true, how true.

Here are a few pics from my normal day:

Have a happy normal day!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I often wonder if I'm the only mom with those feelings. Clearly I am not. I think you're amazing. That's quite the list for one day. The boys are getting so big! Oh how time flies! Trying to catch up on LOM.

  2. It's amazing what it adds up to when it is written all down (and a little overwhelming!)! :)


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