Earth Day Giveaway!

Happy Earth Day! What a great day to celebrate our amazing planet and to think of ways we can reduce the impact we have on it.

My family tries to be "green" by reducing, re-using and recycling, and I definitely try to be a green scrapper by using up scraps, recycling any paper waste and sharing or swapping what I don't need. I have started exploring eco-friendly scrap products as well and I love it when I can use papers that have a high recycled content.  And of course I love the color green, so I try to incorporate it whenever I get the chance!

And digi scrapping is pretty eco-friendly too, right? Since we are making some changes around here (how do you like the new site by the way???) we are no longer going to be producing and selling our small paper embellishments. We will be going digital with our embellies which is a win-win for everyone! Easy for you to download and no shipping charges to pay, and a big time saver for me.

Our embellishments will be available as PNG files to use with your digital scrapbooking software such as Photoshop or Storybook Creator Plus. Not a digi scrapper? Never will also be able to purchase and download printable PDF versions of our embellishments as well...just download and print as many as you like for your own personal use!

But don't worry, we will still continue to offer our Page Paks and Project Paks - the heart of our business - and we will be able to offer many more styles and types for you to choose from! Watch for our new shopping system to be set up in the next week or so.

In honor of this, we are giving away 2 sets of our embellies - in PDF and PNG versions - to two of our readers. You'll get a complete set of calendar brackets and artisan bracket journaling spots, as well as our popular circular "stitched" journaling spots! These are so versatile - you will love them!

There are three ways to enter:

1) Since this is a brand new site (with all the content transfered from our previous site) we need to fill up that Followers box over in the sidebar. Become a friend of ours and you get an entry!

2) Leave us a comment (we love comments!) with your best  "green" scrapping tips and you get an entry!

3) Tell your friends about us...send a tweet or post on Facebook, or post an entry on your own blog and let us know that you spread the word by leaving a comment and/or link, and you get an entry!

You have until Saturday at noon ( MST) to enter and the winners will be chosen at random and posted later that day. Thanks so much for helping us spread the word about our changes, our move and our new look! Good luck!

We are planting some seeds a little later on and Grayson is having a celebration at school in honor of the day. I hope you get a chance to celebrate the Earth as well. Happy Earth Day!


  1. Fabulous givewaway! I'm now a follower! My favourite "green" scrapping tip would be that I love to use recycled corrugated cardboard on my projects! You can mist it, distress it, ink and paint it! It's so versatile and fun to work with!

  2. Love the "green" LO!!!I save my scrapbooking packaging and try and incorporate them into a LO or project.


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