Week in the Life - Day 3

Tuesday April 20th, 2010

One of my sweet sons helped out with house-cleaning this morning...

...while the other boy was intent on making more of a mess!

I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon volunteering in Grayson's classroom while Grammy babysat Sam. I helped out as facilitators from the Leighton Art Centre south of Calgary introduced the kids to lines and shapes and helped them make a lovely craft for Mother's Day. It was great to see G. in action.


After school we made a stop at Wal-Mart where I grabbed a few spring/summer casual clothes for myself as well as some soft and sweet gifts for my cousin's new baby girl, who we hope to visit on Thursday.

While I was making supper, Shane and the boys engaged in their usual chasing games in a circle through the house. I'm sure the neighbours can hear the squeals as they race through the house!

After my boys were safely tucked in, I indulged in three of my favorite shows in TV right now...
  • Dancing With the Stars Results Show (poor Kate Gosselin!)
  • Glee (LOVED Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester as Madonna!)
  • And Sarah's House with my fave designer Sarah Richardson (am trying to channel her mojo as I think and plan for decor for our new house!)
Good day. Night night!


  1. Isn't it funny that one is always willing to help while the other continues to make a mess!? My two switch off and on, but both roles are always filled!


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