Page Plan #23

This page plan features three 3.5 x 5 photos arranged in a blocked style. This style is very simple, clean-lined and easy to achieve. First, imagine that you are filling up a geometric shape like a square or rectangle. Place your photos down within the borders of your imaginary shape, keeping them close together and maintaining the same amount of space in between each. Add pieces of patterned paper to the empty spaces, again leaving the same amount of space (or “margins”) in between the photos and paper shapes. This is a great way to use up scraps and you can use the same paper in the empty spaces (as shown in the sample layout) or choose scraps that are different but still coordinate.

Add a title, three embellishments of your choice and some handwritten journaling along the side of the pictures and you are done!

All Sharing Memories Scrapbooking Page Plans are copyrighted. Feel free to use these plans for your own personal use. If you would like to share these plans, please provide a link to this website. You may submit work to publications that have been created with our plans but please note that your work was inspired by Sharing Memories Scrapbooking Page Plans. If posting to online galleries, please also note that your work was inspired by our plans. Thanks!


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